Rolleston Canterbury
Wednesdays 6:30 ~ 9:00, Fridays 6:00 ~ 8:30


ZNKR Seitei iaidō, Mugai-ryu Iaihyodō, and Kendō 

ニュージーランドで是非居合道を一緒にしましょう。クライストチャーチにお越しの際は無外流居合兵道ニュージーランド、This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 藤川暖まで御連絡下さい、日本語でどうぞ。一緒に稽古できることを楽しみにしています。

We train in Zen Nippon Kendo Renmei (ZNKR) Seitei iaido and Mugai-Ryu Iaihyodo [koryu iaidō]. We also run jodō and kendō training weekly in Canterbury.

The aim and focus of our training is as a pursuit of Budō. We run keiko (training) as much as possible how our senseis' dōjos are run in Japan. Keiko is serious but kind and more focussed on seishin shugyo than competition. The reigi, philosophy and history of the arts are as important as learning the physical techniques. 

We are not affiliated with the NZKF but instead enjoy a direct connection to the ZNKR through our sensei in Japan and all our gradings are overseen and awarded through the ZNKR. We geatly value this direct connection and encourage all members to understand the value of it.

In training you are expected to be always trying to improve yourself by doing your best and listening to instruction, respecting your sensei, senpai, the history of the art and all those around you. Training is not physically hard, but there is a strong expectation of mental maturity and good manners.

mugai ryu Tsuji

We accept any person who is serious about learning the art into the dōjō and in Iaidō, kendō and jodō there is no advantage to be had in either age nor gender. The most important thing is mental maturity. People have various reasons for starting Iaido, which is fine, but be prepared to evaluate your philosophy in order to improve yourself. Iaido isn't a scary shouty type of Martial arts training, which in some ways requires more self discipline, but it also means that the learning curve is not as steep either. Learning should be happening right through your training life whatever your grade though.